Outline of Convening Conversations to facilitate groups dialog about the Declaration

Women's Congress for Future Generations
Toward a Declaration of the Rights of Future Generations
Convening Conversations Two Hour Agenda

1)      Introduction – 10 min

a)      Introduce the question: What is the legacy we are leaving to future generations?
b)     History of Declaration: 
i)       Today we’ll be talking about a living draft of the Declaration of the Rights Held by Future Generations and Bill of Responsibilities for Present Generations.
ii)      These documents were first drafted by those who attended a Women’s Congress for the Rights of Future Generations convened in Moab, Utah in the fall of 2012.
iii)    In April 2013 a group of 20 women gathered in Bolinas, CA to delve into the concepts highlighted in the document. We submitted several additions and modifications to the Declaration.

c)      Conveners introduces self- why personally involved, relevant background to establish credentials

d)     Read Intention Statement of Women Congress for Future Generations
i)        We stand witness for Future Generations and are making a Declaration of Rights of Future Generations and Responsibilities for Current Generations. 
ii)      The intention of the Women’s Congress for Future Generations is to fulfill the special responsibility that women hold as the first environment for future human generations and create pathways toward achieving whole health, justice, and sustainability for the Earth Community in this generation and for all generations to come.  To this end we are sourcing a Living Declaration of Rights of Future Generations to serve as a guide for dialogue, values realignment, and precautionary action.

2)      Convener #1 invites all participants to introduce themselves, giving name and one Right of Future Generation they think is important. (Convener #2 writes Rights on flipchart) – 10-15 min.

3)      Hand out Essential Documents Page 1 (Intention and Guiding Principles). Convener #1 invites participants to take turns reading the Essential Concepts Guiding Principles paragraph by paragraph.  (During this time, Convener #2 creates a sticky note for each key Right--or combo of Rights--posted on flipchart). [Option to save time: read only headings] – 10 min

4)      Convener #1 reads through Rights mentioned during the introductions, while Convener #2 places corresponding sticky notes around the room. Groups form near each sticky note according to their interests. Have one person scribe, another keep time.  5 min

a)      Groups are invited to discuss Right(s) and the associated Responsibilities. 10 minutes.
b)     Meanwhile, Conveners hand out Essential Concepts Page 2 (Rights and Responsibilities).  Groups compare their proposed Rights and Responsibilities to the Rights and Responsibilities included in the Declaration.  10 minutes
c)      One person volunteers as spokesperson.

5)      Full group reconvenes. After Convener models how to report, spokespersons for each group report on the Right(s) and Responsibilities they articulated, and the corresponding Right and Responsibility in the Declaration, following prompts on flip chart.  30 min

Our Right was…..
In the document we found….. we think it’s the same/different
Our Responsibility was….
In the document we found….. we think it’s the same/different
6)      Convener hands out Essential Concepts Page 3 (Commitment and List of Actions) and briefly mentions them.  Asks people to reflect on actions they may want to take, and suggest additional actions.  15 minutes

a)      Individual actions:
i)        Sign commitment; invite to visit site to sign commitment on web site later and sign up for emails.
ii)      Attend Second Congress Sept 4-7 2014, Minneapolis, MN
iii)    Participate in monthly teleconferences held on the 2nd Thursday of the month
iv)    Donating goods or services
b)     Organizational actions:
i)        Convene a Conversation within the organization
ii)      Convene a more in-depth Conversation regarding actions, input, and support
iii)    Endorse the Declaration officially, sending out press release and announcing in social media
iv)    Sponsor Second Congress Sept 4-7 2014, Minneapolis, MN

7)      Q & A if time allows

8)      Full Group Closing: in circle, (holding hands if appropriate/comfortable)

a)      Opportunity for anyone to state an action they want to take (popcorn).
b)     Then ask what people are taking away from today/tonight’s conversation. (Large group: popcorn.  Small group: round robin.)

9)      Possible Activities to include in Longer Conversations
·         Meditative Moment listening to river, lake etc.
·         Small groups again: what actions want to take. Introduce Joanna Macy’s 3 dimensions and list of models to be engaged.
·         Speaking for unheard in life: from local environment, own species or other species
·         Future Beings Dialogue
·         Letter from the Future. 

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